English | Spanish Comparative Syntax

 © Ana Lis Salotti

Improve your translator’s practice with syntax

And better yet, with English | Spanish comparative syntax.

Syntax is the scaffolding that holds a language together. It is the way language structures and orders itself to create meaning. Without a good knowledge of syntax, translators are left groping in the dark, wondering what to put where. This course will help English<>Spanish translators understand why words were originally arranged in one way, and not another, and how to rearrange them in their target language to convey an equivalent meaning and emphasis.

WHAT? An asynchronous course on English<>Spanish comparative syntax. It includes 10 (ten) hours of video instruction, and hands-on exercises after each unit.

WHEN? You can complete this course at your own pace, whenever you wish.

FOR WHOM? Designed for all translators working with English and Spanish, in either direction.

HOW MUCH? $270 (includes hands-on exercises, but no feedback)

ADD-ON: $70 (includes my feedback to your exercises, over email)

Feedback Add-On


  • Four video units hosted in my online training website. Each unit is composed of several video classes of 15-30 minutes each, for approximately 2 hours of instruction in each unit. This course’s total duration is 10 (ten) hours.

  • After each unit, you can complete hands-on exercises to apply what you’ve learned. If you choose to add on the feedback option, once you're done with your exercises, you can email them to me. I will get back to you with feedback and suggestions for improvement, over email. There is no deadline for delivering your homework.

  • Unlimited access to all course materials, reading materials, slides and class recordings. There is no expiration date. You can watch the videos and access the materials as many times as you would like. You can also download all files to your device.

  • Commitment: Each unit is approximately 2 hours long. There are four units in this course. The hands-on exercises can take you between 1 and 2 hours to complete.



Unit 1

  • Why is syntax important to translators?

  • What are parts of speech?

  • Subject and predicate: Relevance to translators: commas, syntactic agreement and bringing elements to the fore

  • Prepositions

  • Hands-on exercises

Unit 2

  • Syntactic elements within the Subject: Head and modifiers

  • Relative clauses, commas

  • Modifiers in long noun phrases: Relevance to translators

  • Hands-on exercises

Unit 3

  • Syntactic elements within the Predicate

  • Agreement between Subject and Predicate: exceptions

  • Transitivity. Direct object and indirect object: Relevance to translators

  • Passive voice: When and how to use it correctly in Spanish and English

  • Hands-on exercises

Unit 4

  • Gerundial phrases and gerundios: How to avoid common errors

  • Dangling participles: How to avoid common errors

  • Subjunctive mood: How to use it correctly in English and Spanish

  • That- clauses: Correct and incorrect uses (queísmo/dequeísmo)

  • Hands-on exercises

Course materials

All reading materials, course materials, exercises and slides can be downloaded from the course site. Each lesson video can be accessed through the course site.

Contrastive Syntax. English/Spanish
Feedback Add-On

Once you buy the course, you will receive an email from me with the Zoom class details.